Before launching, we recommend that you make a list which clarifies for your IT team, and possibly for your employees as well:

• The order of the courses
Decide the order in which the courses shall be launched

Calendar overview
Create a ‘year wheel’ with the dates on which the individual courses are to be launched
Recommended: Share the time schedule for the launches with your team

→ Let us know who will be the administrator or administrators of the LearnDash site (name and email)

Furthermore, we can provide you with
• Graphic ‘thumbnails’/images in 600 pixel width for newsletters or course promotion purposes
• Word-documents with full text content of each course
• PDF with full text content of the course-launch email-notifications
• Graphics for a ‘year wheel’ (open photoshop document)

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Launch Course 1

a) Before launch:
Decide which type of password-email should be sent to employees:

  • An autogenerated unique password is delivered in email, which employees then must keep, or:
  • An email with a link is delivered, which employees then use to create their own password. This must be done within 24 hours of receiving the email.

In the email, the employees are instructed that they need to keep this password for future use.
Later on, they may need a reminder about this from you as well.

Consider whether you also want to accompaign the invitation-message with an email sent from you personally – or from your organisation’s CEO – with an overall introduction to what the purpose and the goal is with this cybersecurity course. This email could then also notify your employees that emails coming from the address

When an employee receives an email from an external email address they may take it for being a phishing email. Therefore, we recommend the practice of using your own mailbox, in particular in the beginning.

b) Decision on email-notification or not:
Decide whether or not the employees at the same time should receive a second email: the automatic email-notification which invites them to take Course 1. If no action is taken, this email will go out automatically when users are uploaded.

c) Test:
We recommend you register a colleague as a test user first, so you get a sense of how it works with the sending out a welcome message with password and, if wanted, the email-notification.

d) The launch:
Upload employees names and mailadresses to the system.
Users can be uploaded from a spreadsheet – see how here – or can be added manually.
Adding an employee to the system’s database triggers a welcome-email being sent to the employee about how to log on.

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STEP 3, 4, 5…

Each time a course is launched – see how here – if you like, an email-notification can be automatically sent to all users.

But there are also other options. The email-notification could also be sent manually from your own mailbox.

Make sure that the first lines in each email-notification is current, creative and in tune with recent events within the organisation.

To send a notification to all employees – for instance about a new course, that has been launched, or a reminder about taking a course, see here.

On the start page of the website, the employee will be able to view:
– Which courses are active now
– Which courses the user has completed, and which courses the user has not yet started

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See if the control panel and interface work logically and intuitively for you. If not, then we can take take you on a guided tour on Teams or Skype with screensharing.